Forging Ahead
2025 Business Owner Benchmark
In The Northern Trust Institute’s third Business Owner Benchmark, we surveyed a wide range of business owners and entrepreneurs across the U.S. for their perspectives on four themes: , , , and .
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This is a subtext. Use this subtext for a concise and activating summary of the page content. Mention any
relevant keywords. Ensure to stay within the character limit .
relevant keywords. Ensure to stay within the character limit .
September 28, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM CT
This is a secondary headline to capture attention
This is body text that can consist of multiple lines. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Posuere mauris aenean odio urna leo tellus non urna in. Tempus lectus facilisi cras eros ut faucibus venenatis eros. Eu posuere id ornare ultricies nulla nibh sagittis arcu sed. Pharetra cursus pulvinar nisl proin pharetra amet arcu. Hendrerit ultrices auctor eget scelerisque fermentum consequat ut. Aliquam tellus lectus consequat sem. Sed mi pellentesque ac porttitor tellus cras amet. Massa nisl vitae sed enim volutpat amet. Consequat tellus sed cum placerat tellus eu dictum. Mollis quis id rutrum tincidunt ut gravida.
Activating form headline
Short subtext. Below, use as few input fields as
necessary to increase conversion.
necessary to increase conversion.
Secondary headline
This is body text that can consist of multiple lines. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Varius fringilla ipsum aliquet a volutpat. Commodo semper velit id in at nisl pretium diam. Quam varius lectus lorem diam tristique tortor lacus. Adipiscing neque orci malesuada cras quisque arcu amet gravida. Fermentum luctus facilisi aliquet commodo viverra morbi orci aenean id. Porta hendrerit auctor venenatis quam suspendisse at tempus. Convallis vehicula curabitur erat orci mauris felis egestas ullamcorper. Placerat sed vel cursus proin nisl sit. Pharetra at augue commodo viverra duis mi eget sed.
A second paragraph. Urna non pulvinar phasellus diam sit curabitur ultricies nibh at. Libero gravida lacus sapien vitae natoque mattis quis. Tellus maecenas in amet felis. Blandit gravida urna eros dictum lobortis amet fringilla mauris. Cras duis at blandit maecenas varius nibh.
A third paragraph. Commodo non varius arcu praesent ornare molestie feugiat sapien. Libero non scelerisque nibh sed montes non. Mi mi id nulla pretium at posuere mi erat tincidunt. Laoreet semper quisque in tristique aliquet feugiat iaculis vitae. Cursus amet vitae ornare eros ultrices.
Activating form headline
Short subtext. Below, use as few input fields as necessary to increase conversion.
This is a headline to introduce the speakers/profiles below.
This is subtext. It can be added to provide additional information about
the set of speakers/profiles below.
the set of speakers/profiles below.

Pam Lucina
Professional Title

Paul Lee
Chief Tax Strategist

Marguerite Griffin
Director of Philanthropic Advisory Services

Example of a long Name That Requires Two Lines
Director of Family Governance
and Education
and Education
This is a headline to introduce the speakers/profiles below.
This is subtext. It can be added to provide additional information about
the set of speakers/profiles below.
the set of speakers/profiles below.

Professional Title

Chief Investment Officer Wealth

An Example of a Long Name That Requires Two Lines to Fit Properly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pretium ornare quis nunc id vestibulum mattis hendrerites
This is a short and activating statement that captures attention
This subtext can be used to provide additional context, such as reasons-to-believe/value proposition for the call to action below. The subtext can run over several lines.
“This is a long quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Viverra ut
donec purus fermentum enim lectus adipiscing ornare. Amet enim
posuere dignissim integer malesuada. Donec augue nisl enim sed pulvinar
scelerisque egestas consectetur.”
First Name Last Name
Professional Title (Organization)
Section headline for related content
Subtext for context if needed. Subtext can consist of a short introduction of the related content below and run over several lines.

Content headline of variable length
Short teaser/summary of the content item. Can run over several lines.

Trusts and Sustainable Investing: Building the Bridge
Duis felis leo, dictum in sodales ut, viverra id lorem. Praesent mattis imperdiet consectetur.

Your Questions Answered: Energy Markets and the Ukraine Crisis In Focus Forth Line Example
Duis felis leo, dictum in sodales ut, viverra id lorem. Praesent mattis imperdiet consectetur.
Headline with a powerful statement, substantiated below.
Short subtext. Dolor sit amet consectetur. Lacus id sit elit duis dui enim. Dui id sem dolor urna eu integer mattis donec.
Lobortis a magna fermentum cras viverra. Placerat mollis proin est quis lobortis scelerisque.
Lobortis a magna fermentum cras viverra. Placerat mollis proin est quis lobortis scelerisque.

Context on the fact/stat above. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut massa velit augue suspendisse etiam fringilla sed pharetra pellentesque.

$12 Trillion
Context on the fact/stat above. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet consectetur. Ut massa velit augue.

Context on the fact/stat above. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Ut massa velit augue suspendisse etiam fringilla sed pharetra pellentesque.
Powerful statement, substantiated with content below
Short subtext. Dolor sit amet consectetur. Lacus id sit elit duis dui enim. Dui id sem dolor urna eu integer mattis donec. Lobortis a magna fermentum cras viverra. Placerat mollis proin est quis lobortis scelerisque.

Key item, such as service cornerstone, value, award or similar.
Supplementary information regarding the key item above, such as a source, brief summary etc.

Proven Strategies
to Navigate Change
Named the Best Private Bank for Family Offices
by the Financial Times Group in 2021
by the Financial Times Group in 2021

130+ Years Advising
Wealthy Individuals and Families
Named the One of the World’s Most
Admired Companies by Fortune in 2022
Admired Companies by Fortune in 2022
Disclaimer: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Gravida libero justo consequat id sed lacus duis tincidunt velit. Praesent habitasses sit.
Powerful statement, such as a challenge, that is addressed by the video
content featured below.
Additional context, e.g., As these changes occur, you should feel confident you are taking the right steps to
capitalize on these opportunities and continue to achieve what’s most important to you.
capitalize on these opportunities and continue to achieve what’s most important to you.
Short description of the content. Keep it concise and generate interest without giving away the main takeaway.
Additional/secondary information about the content featured on the right.

2025 Business Owner Benchmark Report
Gain insight on the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing business owners with new research from The Northern Trust Institute.
2025 Outlook
A Less Than Optimistic Outlook
Despite a lack of optimism on the economic outlook at the time of polling in the early fall of 2024, business owners continue to forge ahead with big plans for their businesses in 2025.
of business owners have an
optimistic economic outlook
optimistic economic outlook
The Next Generation
Cultivating Confidence
Business owners are deeply committed to preparing their children, but many are not yet confident in the next generation's ability to manage wealth and business interests
of respondents feel very confident that their children could handle the responsibilities of the business or inherited wealth.
Artificial Intelligence
An Evolving Perspective
While business owners are optimistic that AI will make the world a better place, few are convinced it will help their own business. Nevertheless, many plan to invest in the technology in the next year.
of business owners plan to invest
in AI next year
in AI next year
Long-Term Planning
Diverse Visions for the Future
Many business owners hope their business will still be around in 100 years, with the intention to keep their business in the family for future generations or transfer ownership to their employees.
Long Term Plans for the Business
plan to eventually sell, if the deal terms make sense
plan to keep the business in the family for future generations
plan to transfer ownership of business to employees
are undecided

© Northern Trust Corporation. Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A. Incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Products and services provided by subsidiaries of Northern Trust Corporation may vary in different markets and are offered in accordance with local regulation. For more information, read our legal and regulatory information about individual market offices.