2025 Business Owner Benchmark Report

Gain insight on the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing business owners with new research from The Northern Trust Institute.
2025 Outlook

A Less Than Optimistic Outlook

Despite a lack of optimism on the economic outlook at the time of polling in the early fall of 2024, business owners continue to forge ahead with big plans for their businesses in 2025.
of business owners have an
optimistic economic outlook

The Next Generation

Cultivating Confidence

Business owners are deeply committed to preparing their children, but many are not yet confident in the next generation's ability to manage wealth and business interests
A pie chart showing only 1/3 of respondents feel very confident that their children could handle the responsibilities of the business or inherited wealth.

of respondents feel very confident that their children could handle the responsibilities of the business or inherited wealth.

Artificial Intelligence

An Evolving Perspective

While business owners are optimistic that AI will make the world a better place, few are convinced it will help their own business. Nevertheless, many plan to invest in the technology in the next year.
of business owners plan to invest
in AI next year

Long-Term Planning

Diverse Visions for the Future

Many business owners hope their business will still be around in 100 years, with the intention to keep their business in the family for future generations or transfer ownership to their employees.

Long Term Plans for the Business

A pie chart describing surveyed business owners showing 42% plan to eventually sell if the deal terms make sense, 30% plan to keep the business in the family for future generations, 8% plan to transfer ownership of business to employees and 20% are undecided.

plan to eventually sell, if the deal terms make sense

plan to keep the business in the family for future generations

plan to transfer ownership of business to employees

are undecided

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