Factor Research Quarterly


Inflation, Market Concentration and Unintended Risks in ESG Portfolios 

High inflation, rising interest rates, and the increasing equity market influence of a handful of companies are forcing investors to take a closer look at the risks driving their portfolios. Learn how to adjust for these market shifts from our top experts in factor-based investing.

Topics include:
  • How inflation and higher rates impact the value factor’s outlook
  • What investors should do about increasing concentration in equity indexes
  • The recent performance of the low volatility factor
  • Unintended Risks in ESG Portfolios

DATE: 11 January 2022
TIME: 11.00 GMT | 12.00 CET | 15.00 GST
DURATION: 30 minutes


  • Michael Hunstad, PhD - Head of Quantitative Strategies
  • Jordan Dekhayser, CFA - Head of Quantitative Strategist Team
  • Rob Lehnherr, CFA - Head of Quantitative Equity Research